Thursday, February 11, 2010


Why Does Gmail Disable Email Accounts?

There are a few reasons as to why you will lose access to your email accounts and more specifically Gmail accounts.
  1. Someone has logged into your account and changed your password and othersecurity related information.
  2. You’ve lost or forgotten password
  3. Unusual activity in your Gmail account that triggers the safety measures designed to keep accounts from being compromised
While Gmail help you much as far as points one and two are concerned but Gmail goes on to elaborate what the unusual activities are and what you can do to get back your disabled Gmail account.

Unusual Activities?? What Are They?

Gmail terms the following as unusual activities in connection to your email account. Unusual account activity includes, but is not limited to:
  1. Receiving, deleting, or downloading large amounts of mail via POP or IMAP in a short period of time. If you’re getting the error message, ‘Lockdown in Sector 4,’ you should be able to access Gmail again after waiting 24 hours.
  2. Sending a large number of undeliverable messages (messages that bounce back).
  3. Using file-sharing or file-storage software, browser extensions, or third party software that automatically logs in to your account.
  4. Leaving multiple instances of Gmail open.
  5. Browser-related issues. Please note that if you find your browser continually reloading while attempting to access your Inbox, it’s probably a browser issue, and it may be necessary to clear your browser’s cache and cookies.
My Gmail account has been disabled. What do I do?
If your Gmail account has been disabled, then there are three things you can/should do.
  1. Head out to Gmail Help
  2. Contact Google Support
  3. Another Google Accounts Support – This one is specifically for disabled Gmailaccounts.

What Should I Do To Ensure That My Gmail Account Stays With Me?

Here are a few simple steps you can take to ensure that your account stays in your hands, and to improve the chances of regaining access just in case you do have any problems:
  • Don’t share your Gmail password with anyone
  • Don’t respond to messages asking for your login or any other security infomation
  • Always keep the verification number you get when you sign up for Gmail safely
  • If you aren’t able to access your account, try resetting your password
  • If resetting your password doesn’t work, try our account-recovery process
  • If you are locked out of GTalk, then try unlocking your GTalk account
Always ensure that you sign out properly everytime you sign in, especially if you are accessing your mails from a public computer. Remember that this applies to all email service providers, not just Gmail.

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